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Visas except 'Student Visa'

Working holiday visa, Temporary visitor visa, Family resident visa, Spouse visa, Permanent resident visa, Settlement visa and working visa etc. can study for daily living, enrollment to higher education, language training etc.

Flow until admission

If you are able to come directly to the school and finish payment, the following flow can be done at once.
Please call us before visiting.

  • Applicant

    Admission inquiry

  • futaba

    Visa confirmation / Explain procedure

  • Applicant

    Application for admission / Submission of various documents

  • futaba

    Accept documents / Sending invoice

  • Applicant

    Payment of Tuition fee

  • futaba

    Confirmation of payment / Guidance of admission

  • Enrollment

Admission Period

Beginner level start at the beginning of each term in January, April, July and October.
Other levels can be enrolled at anytime. Please ask the school for more details.

Required documents

Required documents table
Application forms
Copy of Passport and Copy of Resident Card ※ Temporary visitor visa : Required only copy of passport
1 photo Taken within the last 3months (3x4cm)